Phone says emergency calls only
MobileTips & Tricks

My phone says emergency calls only. What should I do?

One of the most common issues that Android users deal with is “Emergency calls only”, which doesn’t allow you to make any calls or use any other network-based functionalities of the handset. Technically speaking, you’re not able to use some...


What phone camera stabilizer should I get?

Nowadays, smartphone cameras have reached an impressive level, being able to take some amazing photographs and videos. Therefore, it’s not surprising that a lot of people don’t even get cameras anymore, as they rely on the one they always have...

Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime
MobileTips & Tricks

How to root Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime

Despite being just a mid-range model, the Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime is one of the South Korean manufacturer’s best-selling smartphones ever made. Nowadays, it doesn’t receive updates anymore, since it’s a relatively old model, but this shouldn’t be such a...

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