4 Types of Error and their Significance
When unlocking your phone you may come across some errors as listed below:
1. Errors for blacklisted phones
- Invalid MM#6 or Phone Not Allowed MM#6
- Invalid MM#2 or Phone Not allowed MM#
- Invalid MMI
If you ever encounter any of these errors, there is no doubt that your phone is blacklisted, and the best way to proceed is to contact the network provider from where the phone was originally bought.
To find out if your phone is Blacklisted/Stolen you can always verify it on http://www.imei.info by inserting your unique IMEI number into the designated field before trying to unlock it.
Rarely, some network providers will use this error to keep you from unlocking your phone if you are still under contract with them. This is somehow an abuse on their part because these errors should only be used when the device has been Lost/Stolen (Blacklisted).
2. “Invalid SIM”, “SIM Not Registered on Network” or “Unrecognized SIM”
For any of the above SIM card errors you have to:
turn off the phone;- take the SIM card out from its slot;
- put it back;
- turn on the phone;
If it still does not work, you should try inserting the SIM card into a different phone and if it does not work in a different phone either, you have to contact your network provider.
3. “Incorrect PIN” or “Incorrect password”
If you get the message “Incorrect PIN” or “Incorrect password” after inserting the unlock code, it means that your phone does not ask for “Network Unlock Code”. Thus, when you see the message “Insert PIN” or “Insert password”, you have to insert the PIN of your SIM card or the password of the phone both which should be known to you.
The messages you should look at when you want to unlock your phone are “SIM Network Unlock PIN” or “Enter Network Lock Control Key”. These are the messages that merely say “Insert the unlock code here”.
4. The Internet is not working
It rarely happens that after unlocking your phone you cannot use your internet, but this can be easily fixed from APN settings.
You just need to call the Network Provider you want to start using and ask for the APN details. After you are in the possession of the correct APN (Access Point Name) details manually insert them by accessing your Settings menu.
These are the most common error types and their significance if you seem to face a different error please contact our customer support.
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